Week Beginning 12.07.20
Times are hard for everyone, the most important thing is to look after your own mental health and help your family to do the same.
We will post enough work so your children can find tasks they'll enjoy - but we aren't expecting families to be doing all of it! Do what's right for you and your circumstances.
In terms of learning, the priority is to keep reading and number tasks going whenever you can, these things will make it easier to return to learning once school re-opens.
You should all feel really proud of the learning that you are achieving at home. Well done! Please continue to email it to:
Mr Chalkley at yr5@beacon-ce-primary.devon.sch.uk Mr Johnson at yr6@beacon-ce-primary.devon.sch.uk
Over the last six weeks, we have been thinking about different aspects of computational thinking: algorithms, decomposition, abstraction, pattern, variables, evaluation and logic. The guide below (from Barefoot) shows what these are and examples of where you might find them.
Here are the games we used for each of these concepts so that you can play them again to remind you what the terms mean.
algorithms https://barefootgames.org/the-diamond?ref=https://www.barefootcomputing.org/
abstraction https://barefootgames.org/barefoot-zoo?ref=https://www.barefootcomputing.org/
pattern https://barefootgames.org/colourful-kits?ref=https://www.barefootcomputing.org/
evaluation https://barefootgames.org/codecracking?ref=https://www.barefootcomputing.org/
logic https://barefootgames.org/the-diamond?ref=https://www.barefootcomputing.org/
variables https://barefootgames.org/asteroid-blaster?ref=https://www.barefootcomputing.org/
Watch 'Not again Farley' to find out about pets in French.
Now have a look at this week's Sway to find out how to say if you have any pets, and learn how to describe them.
Click on the Play button at the top right corner to start the presentation, and click twice on the speaker buttons to hear the recordings.
Extra task....
Just for fun, have you had a look at what this page would look like in French? Have a look at the hedgehog page and press the 'translate' button at the top right hand side,then scroll down and click on 'French.' Last week we learned that the word for hedgehog was 'un herrison' and now you can see what else you recognise on the page too.
Click the cross at the top right to make the website display in English again. If you wanted to, you could try other languages, like Polish, Spanish etc