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The Beacon C of E (VA) Primary School

'Living life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)


1 Beacon Place, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 2SR

01395 264300


Year 4: 2023 - 2024

The Year 4 Teaching Team are Mr Edd Chalkley, Miss Sarah Butcher and Mr Joseph Nicholls. 

Mr Chalkley will be teaching Monday, Tuesday mornings, Thursdays and Fridays. Miss Butcher will be teaching Tuesday afternoons and Wednesdays. We also have the pleasure of support from Mr Nicholls who will be supporting in class full time.

Other staff who will also teach Year 4 are Mr Richard Johnson and our Sports Coaches, Mr Marc Troman and Mrs Katie Whenman.


Summer Term 2024 Class Letter

Summer Term 2024 additional home learning activities

Spring Term 2024 Class Letter

Autumn Term Class Letter

Through the Ages – Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age

For our topic this term we will be learning about British prehistory from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, including changes to people and lifestyle caused by ingenuity, invention and technological advancement.

What we are learning this term

Reading: reading is carried out on a daily basis, and books are changed regularly. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them every day. Please spend quality time sharing these books with your child at home. Your child will read regularly in guided group sessions and with one of our reading volunteers. They will continue to track their progress through the Accelerated Reader scheme; quizzing for this will be done in class when a child has finished a book.


English: we will be writing diaries, stories, conversational narratives and information texts linked to our ‘Through the Ages’ topic this term. We will strengthen our use of punctuation and develop our vocabulary to become more confident and accurate writers. Spelling and handwriting will continue to be practised on a weekly basis.


Maths: we continue to use the 'Maths No Problem' scheme whereby children will learn through concrete, pictorial and abstract methods. This term will we focus on place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


RE: we will be learning about the Trinity and how Hindus view God.


As well as the weekly spelling focus, children have a list of words that will be taught throughout the year in class. They should aim to be able to spell all of them by the end of Year 4. These can also be practised at home.

X-Tables are extremely important in all aspects of maths learning and understanding. The children are encouraged to play TT-Rockstars regularly and we ask that you support this by giving them opportunities to practise at home. 

Yearly overview


Here is the daily timetable for this term. Although there may be some changes for additional activities or visits, we try to follow this as closely as we can. Please take the time to look at this with your child before the school week and to review each day with them afterwards.

PE, Dance and Swimming

Please wear the following PE uniform to school for our Dance sessions on a Tuesday:

Yellow t-shirt, blue shorts, jogging bottoms/leggings when cold & suitable footwear for all PE sessions. 


Year 4 will be taking swimming lessons from Friday 12th January 2024 until Friday 22nd March 2024 inclusive. Further information about this will follow shortly.

Two videos to help learn the dances for our performance:

Home Learning

Children are provided with a Home Learning book which they will bring home on a Friday and return on a Thursday. 

Home Learning should be a chance to consolidate and practise the learning we have done in class, with someone at home. Below is a document with a list of ideas, games and activities to help. 

If you are finding it challenging, please contact a member of the Year 4 Team. We are here to help!