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The Beacon C of E (VA) Primary School

'Living life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)


1 Beacon Place, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 2SR

01395 264300


SEND and the Local Offer

We at The Beacon School believe that all children have the right to grow, learn and feel safe and happy at school. Every child, we believe, is made in the image of God and has the right to an excellent education, regardless of their ability or educational needs.  

Our inclusive, Christian ethos drives us to excel in all areas and we strive for excellence in and for our children too.  Partnership with parents is key to all we do and we listen to children and parents and work together to achieve the best outcomes for each child.  

Our SENDCo (Special Needs and Disability Co-ordinator) is a part of the senior leadership team at school, emphasising our commitment to ensure the best outcomes for ALL our children.  Our dedicated team of staff work hard to ensure all children receive the best possible education and are able to access all areas.

If you have a matter you would like to discuss, please contact our SENDCo, Mrs Ellen Kumar or Mrs Anne Billington.  Mrs Kumar is also our school Mental Health Champion.

We also have three trained Autism Champions - Mrs Ellen Kumar, Mrs Anne Billington and Mrs Julie Garrett.

Our Children in Care and Young Carer's designated teachers are Mrs Ellen Kumar and Mrs Anne Billington.

To see our SEND policy please click here.

To see our SEND information report for parents as at September 2022 please click here.

To find out more about services for children in Devon, and to view the Local Devon Offers for children with SEND, please click here.


We refer to ourselves as One Big Beacon Family, when things are tough or not going right, families should pull together - that’s what we aim to do, so if something’s not right, please come and talk with us. Together, we can find a way forwards.

If you have any complaints about the provision of SEND within the school, please contact Mrs Ellen Kumar, the SENDCo, or the Headteacher, Mrs Anne Billington.  More details are available within the Complaints Procedure.