Year 6 - 2024 - 2025
The Year 6 Teaching Team are Mr Richard Johnson and Mr Sam Wright.
Other staff who will also teach Year 6 are Miss Tash Ebbutt, Miss Sarah Butcher and our Sports Coaches, Mr Marc Troman and Mrs Katie Whenman.
The email address for the class teaching team is
Class Letters
In Science, we will be learning about the 'The Circulatory System'. In it, we will learn about the transport role of the human circulatory system, its main parts and primary functions. They learn about healthy lifestyle choices and the effects of harmful substances on the body.
Home Learning:
Home learning activities will be sent out on a Friday to be returned the following Thursday. This will be focused on Maths, Grammar and Spelling. Children will be given home learning books which will contain the activities they are working on that week. These are to be brought to school each Thursday ready for the next week’s activities.
Times Table Rockstars is available for homework at...
We are highly keen to encourage children’s reading for pleasure and enjoyment. As part of our school provision, children will have a school library book. This should come to and from school daily for the children to read and enjoy. Please share this reading with them and foster their love of reading.
The first topic this year is 'Groundbreaking Greeks'. We will be learning about developments and changes over six periods of ancient Greek history, focusing on the city state of Athens in the Classical age, and exploring the lasting legacy of ancient Greece.
PE Days:
This half term, children will be having PE on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, so please send your child to school in their PE uniforms on these days.
Year 5/6 Spellings:
Alongside the regular practice of homework spelling, there a set of Year 5/6 spellings that children are expected to know by the end of the two-year phase. Please practise these words regularly with your child.