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The Beacon C of E (VA) Primary School

'Living life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)


1 Beacon Place, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 2SR

01395 264300


Starting School and Transitions

It is always our aim that children feel happy and that they belong in their new class or school before the summer holidays.

Our Admissions Policies and Supplementary Information forms are on the POLICIES page of our website.  We co-ordinate admissions with our Local Authority, Devon County Council.

Looking for a school place for Reception in September 2024?

We have pre-school places available for children aged 3 and 4.

We have some spaces available in other year groups - get in touch to find out more.

To arrange a tour, please contact us on  or call 01395 264300 


Transition into The Beacon 

We aim to make your child's start at The Beacon as easy as possible for you and your child.   For children who will be starting in Reception:

  • We hold a parents' meeting in May so we can share ways in which we will help your child settle quickly and share information you will need. 
  • If your child isn’t already attending our Pre-School, we invite them for 4 mornings in June/July so they can meet staff and other children who will be in the class.  This tends to lessen any worries, before the long summer break, for both parents and children.
  • In September your child may start either full time, or initially stay for mornings, then for mornings and lunch before starting full days during the second week.  If you’re worried about this - talk with us and we’ll work out a plan together.

For children who are Nursery age, starting in our Governor-Run Pre-School, we will make individual arrangements with families as children will be starting at various times through the school year.

We want to make sure your child’s successful transition is the start of a long and trusting partnership between parents/carers, your child and our staff team so we can all feel confident that your child is happy and secure in our school. 

Please refer to our admissions policies for further information.

To make an application for the school, please visit the Devon County Council Citizen Portal.

To make an application for a Nursery aged children in our Governor-Run Pre-School, details are in our Admissions to Nursery policy which can be found on ourPolicies page.

Transition to Secondary School

We actively seek to make transition to your chosen secondary school successful for your child.  Most of our pupils transfer to Exmouth Community College.  Throughout the years and especially in Year 6 there are numerous opportunities for visits, including those to take part in Maths challenges, sample lessons and library familiarisation visits.  In the last week of the summer term, pupils attend welcome days where they get to meet their future tutor and other pupils in their tutor group.  Transition arrangements are strong and prepare our pupils well. 'The Big Step' is a transition programme run in the summer holidays for children preparing to start at Exmouth Community College in September - click on the link for further information and to book.

For those pupils who transfer to other schools, for example Colyton Grammar School,  arrangements are also made for visits and contact.

Transfer applications for children moving to secondary school are open from 1 September to 31 October during their Year 6.  Applications submitted after 31 October each year can not be considered above those received on time.  If your preferred school is oversubscribed, this may mean no place can be offered and transport to any alternative will be the parents' responsibility.  You can read about this in The Step by Step guide on the Devon County Council website.