Week Beginning 22.06.20
Times are hard for everyone, the most important thing is to look after your own mental health and help your family to do the same.
We will post enough work so your children can find tasks they'll enjoy - but we aren't expecting families to be doing all of it! Do what's right for you and your circumstances.
In terms of learning, the priority is to keep reading and number tasks going whenever you can, these things will make it easier to return to learning once school re-opens.
You should all feel really proud of the learning that you are achieving at home. Well done! Please continue to email it to:
Mr Chalkley at yr5@beacon-ce-primary.devon.sch.uk Mr Johnson at yr6@beacon-ce-primary.devon.sch.uk
Optional computing challenge
Sky Academy are running a competition asking people to make a short video (30 seconds-2 minutes long) about people's experiences of Lockdown. You could make a video about what you have been doing to keep busy, make a pretend news report,or make up a story set in lockdown using animation or green screen techniques. The winners will win a Greenscreen kit for their school and will be shown on Sky News,
We’re all living and learning differently right now so it’s important to #keepconnected. Sky would like young people to create a video to tell them about their lockdown story. It’s a great way to share how people are feeling.
Be sure to get your entries in to us as soon as you can, so that we can enter them by Monday 29th of June for a chance to win a free filming kit for our school.
To find out more have a look at this link and remember to get permission from your adults at home before entering.
Have a look at this week's Sway to find out how to say if you have any pets, and learn how to describe them.
Click on the Play button at the top right corner to start the presentation, and click twice on the speaker buttons to hear the recordings.
Having already found out about code breaking, abstraction and decomposition, this week we're going to find out about logical thinking.
Logical reasoning helps us explain why something happens.
If you set up two computers in the same way, giving them the same instructions (the program) and the same input, you can pretty much guarantee the same output. This is because computers don’t make things up as they go along or work differently depending on how they feel – they are predictable. Because of this, we can use logical reasoning to work out exactly what a program or computer system will do.
Have a look at https://barefootgames.org/the-diamond?ref=https://www.barefootcomputing.org/ and see if you can use logical thinking to get the world's biggest diamond back from Dr Mischief!