Collective Worship for the week of 23rd March 2020
When we're at school, we hold daily acts of Collective Worship. Sometimes as a whole school, other times as a class or Key Stage. Our Friday Celebration Worship events are held at Holy Trinity every week when our worship is followed by the Star of the Week certificates and other awards.
We always start with lighting our candles, taking a moment to find a still, quiet place and a greeting. You might choose to spend a little time doing these things at home each day.
Monday 23rd March.
Our worship this half term has been focussed on Forgiveness. This week we will posting the next week's theme. It's interesting that the plan for the week is about Forgiveness: putting the past behind us. The worship will help us to think not only about saying sorry, but about forgiving and how this can help us to move on. With things being so very different for us all this week, I should imagine that many of us will have moments where we have an outburst and that the ability to both say sorry and to forgive will be important to us all at some point this week.
Read the Barney and Bella story - you could even act it out with your own puppets.
Tuesday 24th March.
If we hold onto the hurt feelings, they can damage our friendships. We call it bearing a grudge. Barney bore a grudge against Bella in yesterday's mini-drama, even though she had apologised.
Clench your fists as tightly as you can. Your fist is a picture of how we feel inside when we're bearing a grudge. It's difficult to offer the hand of friendship with a clenched fist and it's difficult to be a good friend when you are bearing a grudge. Now open your hands in front of yourself and find a still, quiet place inside yourself. Forgiving can be hard, but when we are able to forgive, we all feel better for it.
Perhaps you can re-tell Barney and Bella's story with Barney making different choices.
Maybe you could draw around your hands, write a message of forgiveness inside where your palm is - and the negative feelings on the top of your hand. Put them up at home - the forgiving way around!
In school, we talk about outbursts that are those things we all do or say then immediately regret saying or doing. Sometimes our thinking brain gets blocked (access denied) and that can result in an outburst.
Wednesday 25th March
Have a look at these quotes and questions to discuss about Forgiveness.
Thursday 26th March
Today's story is about Jonah. Have a listen here - there are questions and things to think about.
Friday 27th March
Today we would have had our End of Spring Term Celebration Worship.
Across the world, there are many different types and designs of crosses. At the moment we can't go out, but families all around the world will be celebrating God's love for us over Easter. Have a go at making different types of cross. There is an instruction sheet here.