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The Beacon C of E (VA) Primary School

'Living life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)


1 Beacon Place, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 2SR

01395 264300


Year 1: 2023 - 2024

The Year 1 Teaching Team are Mrs Amanda Pow and Mrs Julie Garrett.

Other staff who will also teach year 1 are: Ms Brunwin (Wednesday pm), Miss Pavey and our Sports Coaches, Mr Marc Troman and Mrs Katie Whenman (nee Murray).

contact us at:

The Learning environment:

This term, children will be taught through a mixture of whole class and group lessons. They will still have access to independent activities through COOL (Choosing Our Own Learning) Rainbow Challenges. These challenges will enable children to apply new skills through a play-based approach similar to that experienced in Reception, whilst developing their learning further. It will be expected that each child completes these challenges during the week whether that be independently or with adult support. For each challenge completed children will earn a coloured lolly stick to put in their Rainbow pouch. The aim is to collect all six; red (construction), orange (creative), yellow (English), green (enquiry/topic), blue (maths), purple (bonus) – by the end of the week.

  This term's topic is......  .

Spring Term - Bright Lights, Big City: The UK & London

In the Bright Lights, Big City project, your child will learn the story of a local landmark. They will learn about the countries that make up the United Kingdom, including their location, capital cities and some of their physical and human features. They will have the opportunity to do map work, using compasses and positional and directional language to plan routes around London. They will research the cause and impact of the Great Fire of London and look at some famous London landmarks. They will learn about other capital cities around the world, including Brasilia, and compare how they are similar and different to London.

Companion projects:

Science - Seasonal change

Identifying & ordering the seasons

Monitoring & measuring the weather

Observing how deciduous and evergreen trees change during the seasons

Art - Rain & Sunrays

Designing & printing repeating motifs based on weather symbols

DT - Taxi!

Exploring how wheels and axles work

Designing & making a moving toy based a London cab or the Naughty Bus

 See below for some fun home learning ideas!


Reading books will be changed each Friday when your child will bring home 2 reading books which match their reading ability. We suggest children are heard read at least 5 times a week - little and often is very effective. Please comment in the accompanying yellow reading record each time your child has read at home to an adult and send reading folders into school EVERY THURSDAY.

Children Reading Clip Art Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

This year we will be continuing The Rocket Reading challenge. For every 10 reads completed at home, children move their rocket to the next planet and receive a certificate in achievement worship. We would like to emphasise the importance of reading a book more than once. The first read should be to decode the words using their phonic knowledge; the second should be to increase their reading fluency, and the third time to develop their understanding of the story further. When reading in school, we always love spending time talking about the story with the children, this discussion is vital for developing comprehension skills.

  PE days - Spring Term 1  

Monday - Core movement skills with Mrs Pow (outdoors)

Friday - Gymnastics with Mr Troman (indoors)

Wear PE uniform to school (yellow t-shirt, blue shorts, jogging bottoms/leggings when cold & suitable footwear) for all PE sessions.

  Useful websites   (Click for the links)

Hit the Button Maths game (yr 1-6) | Nailsworth CofE Primary School

  Outdoor Learning  

Outdoor learning will take place most Thursday afternoons, weather permitting. During the Autumn term we will be using our senses to  explore the geography of our locality including the Beach, Manor gardens and Holy Trinity Church grounds. Please wear suitable shoes, coat and trousers to school and bring wellies in a bag when wet.  Also, please wear a hat and apply sun cream in the hot sunny weather. We do supply all-in-one wet weather suits when raining. Extra adult helpers are required for these sessions. Please let the office know if you can help.

The EYFS Outdoors: 38 Outdoor Learning Activities | Famly

  Home Learning   

An information sheet outlining new activities will come each Friday in reading folders. Activities will generally consist of number facts, tricky word spellings and key phonic sounds (Pips/Tricky Teddies). There will be QR code links to access any online activities.

  Home Learning support resources